Registered Nurse Brian Jones draws a blood sample from Grayling Stefek, 5, at Eisenhower Elementary School on Jan. 26, 2016 in Flint, Mich. The students were being tested for lead after the metal was found in the city's drinking water. The "final step" of a settlement was reached recently, with a distribution plan outlining how roughly $9.69 million will be spent to bolster special education services.
A 1st grade teacher at Capital City Public Charter School leads a lesson about bee colonies with her students. At Sept. 25 congressional hearing focused on the quality of the nation's teacher-preparation programs.
Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona testifies during a House Committee on Education and Workforce hearing on Capitol Hill, Tuesday, May 7, 2024, in Washington. New reports from the Government Accountability Office detail what led up to the botched rollout of a new FAFSA form and the resulting fallout.
Eric Hoover teaches his class of immigrant and refugee students at McCaskey High School in Lancaster, Pa., on Feb. 15, 2017. A few key practices rooted in empathy can move schools beyond merely complying with their legal obligations to English learners.
Students share a laugh while reading a book together during kindergarten class at Fairview Elementary in Carthage, Mo. As former President Donald Trump continues to share anti-immigrant rhetoric on the presidential campaign trail, educators say it it's even more crucial to create a welcoming environment for all students.
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